Procedures to apply for a license F.A.Q

Who can apply for a license?

Any person who has completed twenty one years of age,

Is of sound mind,

Has not been convicted of any offence involving violence or moral turpitude to imprisonment for any term at any time.

Has been ordered to execute under chapter vii of the code of criminal procedure 1973 (2 of 1974) a bond for keeping the peace or for good beheaviour at any time during the term of the bond.

Whom to apply?

The district magistrate, commissioner of police or any other authority empowered by the government to grant licenses.

Details of application?

As per rule 51 of the Indian arms rules 1962 all applications must be submitted in form A, 51 (b) states the application may be sent in person or sent thrugh the medium of post offices or otherwise to the licensing authority.

Rule 51 (e) also states that the applicant must attach 2 passport size pictures of him/herself. Members of the armed forces must apply thrugh their commanding officer.

Grounds on which applications cannot be refused ?

As per sec 14(2) of the Indian arms act 1959 “ the licensing authority shall not refuse to grant any license to any person merly on the ground that such person does not own or possess sufficient property”

Refusal of license on grounds of many license in the same area/household improper A. Hamid vs D.M/collector Allahabad, 1994 CR . L . J. 531 at p. 532(all)

What is the maximum number of weapons a citizen can possess provided he is granted a license ?

As per Indian arms act 1959 section 3(2) no person shall acquire,have in his possession or carry at any time more than three firearms. The said rule does not apply to any dealer in firearms or to any member of a rifle club or rifle association licensed or recognised by the central government.

Is the right to bear arms a fundamental right?

The right to bear arms is embedded In the art 21 of our constitution hence it is a fundamental right. However like all fundamental rights it is subjected to certain restrictions.